Tuesday 29 March 2016

Lamborghini brings aspirationals closer to dream with certified racing program

Lamborghini Centario

Lamborghini Centario

Italian automaker Lamborghini is gearing up to provide a handful of aspiring racers the ride of their life.

The Pilota Lamborghini will take place April 7-9 in Las Vegas for eight select participants, who will hone their racing skills in preparation for the real thing. As consumer interest turn toward the experiential, track experiences will prove to be an important component in fostering consumer loyalty.

“Luxury marketers create dreams and desire,” said Chris Ramey, president of Affluent Insights, Miami, FL  “Pilota Lamborghini exists to sell the experience of the automobile, that’s enough for enthusiasts and aspirational prospects.”

Mr. Ramey is not affiliated with Lamborghini, but agreed to comment as an industry expert.

Lamborghini could not be reached for comment.

Running down a dream
The Pilota Lamborghini program at Las Vegas Motor Speedway is being touted by the brand as “its most advanced track program to date” and aims to hone participants’ skills in preparation for real racing.

Lamborghini Huracan at NY Auto Show
Lamborghini Huracan at NY Auto Show

Participants will learn the track first-hand in a competitive Lamborghini production vehicle and then undergo training, including recovery techniques and overtaking exercises. After training, the fledgling racers will move to the brand’s Gallardo Super Trofeo, a vehicle otherwise reserved for licensed racecar drivers.

Over the weekend, participants will practice and undergo a qualifying session with tire change, just as they would in a real race, and then participate in a 30-lap race with a pit-stop and driver change.

The experience will also include helicopter transfers to and from different locations, a welcome cocktail party, meals, hospitality and even an awards ceremony.

The Pilota Lamborghini program costs $19,995 for an all-inclusive package. A $1,995 partner price package that does not include the driving course but includes all other features plus a spa and wellness package is also available.

Lamborghini Centario 400
Lamborghini Centario

Completion of the course qualifies drivers for the application to the IMSA-FIA racing license, bringing them one step closer to their dream. With Lamborghini’s brand being defined so heavily by exclusivity, experiences—particularly those with tangible benefits—help to justify high price-points in the minds of value-oriented consumers.

The Pilota Lamborghini program will appeal generally to aspiring competitive racers rather than exclusively to Lamborghini loyalists. The experience will likely make them fans for life.

“Loyalists will ensure Pilota Lamborghini succeeds,” Mr. Ramey said. “Participating in Pilota Lamborghini is a privilege and personal responsibility for a loyalist; it’s pure passion.  It’s also a loyalist’s responsibility to bring a friend to feel their enthusiasm.”

In the spotlight
Other automakers grant fans the opportunity to drive their vehicles in heavily produced events, giving them a moment in the spotlight.

Italian automaker Maserati is drove into the new year with the addition of two new courses for its Master Maserati 2016 program.

The new additions to the driving course program include the SnowMaster Experience Lapland edition and Master Premium. While Maserati offers a number of driving courses for its enthusiasts to enjoy, adding new options will help prevent repeat visitors from tiring of the program (see story).

Racing is integral to the Lamborghini brand, and it often finds ways to help its fans partake in that lifestyle.

In June, Italian automaker Lamborghini appealed to its target consumers’ love for racing with a mobile application that allows owners to track, save and record their driving performances.

The “Track and Play” app is designed for Lamborghini owners to be able to challenge themselves on the racetrack. Creating an application that is solely for current consumers allows Lamborghini to continue the exclusive nature of the brand and reach audiences on a new platform (see story).

“Experience drives revenue regardless of the category,” Mr. Ramey said. “The challenge for luxury brands is to continually innovate and elevate their brand experience.

“The recurring cycle is luxury leaks and mass reinterprets,” he said. “The result is, at least for this Italian manufacturer, Pilota Lamborghini.”


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